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Words Build the Kingdom

Over the course of this year, I have been learning about the power of our words. I remember the teaching from when I was little that says – “If you are not going to say anything nice, then it is better to not say anything at all.” 
This little phrase holds a lot of truth as the tongue is compared to the rudder of a ship in James 2. Even though it is small, the tongue guides the entire body just like a small rudder guides a large ship. “From the small mouth come blessing and cursing” (v.10) so we either speak life or death with our words.
Whether I like it or not, the words that I say carry a huge amount of weight. What I say either brings heaven to earth or they don’t. This is something I have to consistently fight for, and a new term that has been added to vocabulary is declarations. Many people have asked me about declarations as I have mentioned them throughout this year so I thought I would explain the concept of them here.
‘Declarations’ is a word used to describe the act of boldly and confidently declaring God’s truth. They are phrases that speak Kingdom life into our lives. The following lists are declarations, and the best way to illustrate what they are is to just show you rather than to describe. [A friend on my trip received these from someone who works at AIM]
Declarations  #1:  These 10 basic declarations are foundational to the building of your faith.  They will increase expectancy of God’s goodness; and thus, will increase the manifestation of that goodness in your life.  Jesus said, “according to your faith, so be it.”  (Matthew 8:13)

  1. My prayers are powerful and effective.  ( 2 Cor 5:21. James 5:16b)
  2. God richly supplies all my financial needs. (Phil 4:19)
  3. I am dead to sin and alive to obeying God. (Romans 6:11)
  4. I walk in ever-increasing health. (Isaiah 53:3-5, Ps 103:1-3)
  5. I live under a supernatural protection. (Ps 91)
  6. I prosper in all my relationships. (Luke 2:52)
  7. I consistently bring God-encounters to other people. (Mark 16:17,18)
  8. Through Jesus I am 100% loved and worthy to receive all of God’s blessings. (Gal 3:1-5)
  9. Each of my family members is wonderfully blessed and radically loves Jesus. (Acts 16:30-31)
  10.  I uproariously laugh when I hear a lie from the devil. (Ps 2:2-4)

Declarations #2: Remember this: Faith is the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1).  Our evidence for things being true is not our circumstances, but God’s promises.  We don’t deny negative facts in our lives, but we choose to focus on a higher reality, God’s truth.  Faith indeed comes by hearing (Rom 10:17); therefore, we speak to these powerful truths to build our own faith.

  1. I set the course of my life with my declarations.  (James 3:2-5)
  2. God is on my side; therefore I declare that I cannot be defeated, discouraged, depressed or disappointed. (Rom 8:37, Ps 91, Phil 4:13)
  3. I am the head and not the tail.  I have insight, I have wisdom.  I have ideas and divine strategies.  I have authority. (Deut 28:13, Deut 8:18, James 1:5-8, Luke 10:19)
  4. As I speak God’s promises, they come to pass.  They stop all attacks, assaults, oppression, and fear from my life.  (2 Petere 1:2-4, Mark 11:23-24)
  5. I have the wisdom of God today.  I will think the right thoughts, say the right words, and make the right decisions in every situation I face. (James 1:5, 1 Cor 2:16)
  6. I expect to have powerful divine appointments today to heal the sick, raise the dead, prophesy life and lead people to Christ, to bring deliverance, to release signs and wonders and to bless every place I go. (the Book of Acts)
  7. I expect the best day of my life spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and financially in Jesus’ name (Rom 15:13)

Declarations #3 One of the main methods Jesus and the apostles used was to SPEAK TO things.  You will notice they did not ask God to heal people, to cast out demons, or to raise the dead; but they spoke to the bodies, to demons, to the wind, etc…Jesus encouraged us to speak to mountains in Mark 11:23. This set of declarations focuses much on our speaking to the various aspects in our lives.

  1. I have a covenant with God, and by the blood of Jesus I release my divine protection and divine provision (Heb 8:6)
  2. My angels are carrying out the word of God on my behalf (Ps 103:20)
  3. Any adversity, attack, accidents and tragedies that were headed my way are diverted right now in Jesus’ name (Ps 91)
  4. I speak to the raging waters in my life; peace, be still.  I say to my mind; peace, be still.  I say to my emotions; peace, be still.  I say to my body; peace, be still.  I say to my home; peace, be still.  I say to my family; peace, be still  (Mark 4:39)
  5. Now I speak to every mountain of fear, every mountain of discouragement, every mountain of stress, every mountain of depression, every mountain of lack and insufficiency; and I say, “be removed and cast into the sea in Jesus’ name!” (Mark 11:22-24)
  6. And I speak to this day and I call you blessed.  And I declare that I serve a might God who today will do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that I can ask or think (Eph 3:20).  I say you are a GOOD GOD and I eagerly anticipate your goodness today.