As I wait for the fateful day of September 6 to arrive, I feel like there should be feelings of excitement, nostalgia, or even anticipation. But there are none. Since I returned from Michigan almost two weeks ago, I feel like I have been in limbo. I’m neither here nor there.
I’m currently in San Francisco visiting a dear friend, Ellee Stewart. Upon my arrival on Friday, we had no plans for my visit other than the final point of destination, LAX on Tuesday morning at 5 am. I daydreamed of seeing the California shore line, relaxing in coffee shops, and even day hikes. However, I have been given such a greater gift – rest. Yes, I went down Market Street and along the piers; we shopped along Haight Street; we have had lots of marvelous food even making our own sushi. But my time here has been about rest more than anything else.
We journeyed to church yesterday morning, and yet again I felt like there was going to be some monumental event as this was the last time I would go to church before launching. I kept looking for anything during the sermon – any sign. As the pastor spoke on Mark 6, I felt like I was examining every word he said under a microscope. When the sermon ended, I felt more drained than filled from all my scrutinizing. Communion followed the sermon with a time for prayer. As I prayed and the feeling of being in intermission surfaced once again, I clearly heard the words – “You ain’t seen nothing yet”. I slowly began to do a double take – that was it. That was the whisper I had been longing to hear.
That short little phrase offers me such hope. You ain’t seen nothing yet – God’s glory is so much greater and more vast than I have ever witnessed or could even imagine. Jesus tells us to “Stay here and watch with Me” and that is what He is beckoning me to do (Matthew 26:38). I pray that during this coming journey God humbles me to stay knelled at His cross so that I may watch with Him.